See Our Acts of Kindness
There is no better way to celebrate turning 50 than to give back to this wonderful community we call home.
As part of the celebration of our 50th anniversary,
Hillcrest Funeral Home will do an act of kindness every week
for 50 weeks starting January 18, 2017.
It might be big or it might be small.
Act of Kindness # 1 Hillcrest Funeral Home Donates $250 to The Philip Arber Foundation
We are amazed by Phil's accomplishments and just like Phil, we believe strongly in Vankleek Hill and it's surrounding communities. We will continue to work hard to support these events. You can make a difference. Get involved and stay involved. Let's make Phil proud!
Act of Kindness # 2 Hillcrest Funeral Home Brings Snacks to the Hawkesbury Alzheirmers Scociety Local Support Group.
Christine Brunet, who is a Family Support Caseworker, runs the Family Support Program in Hawkesbury,
that meets twice a month. We were happy to give a donation of fruits, cookies and drinks to this week's support program. The program offers peer support meetings in a safe environment where individuals get the chance to share their experiences and learn from others who may be in a similar situation. Thanks Christine for all you do.
Act of Kindness # 3 Hillcrest Funeral Home Donates to the Dalkieth Winter Carnival
Hillcrest Funeral Home was very happy to donate $250.00 towards this year's Winter Carnival, a fun family event. The Dalkeith Carnival is a longstanding tradition with skating, a parade and wonderful food.
Act of Kindness # 4 Hillcrest Funeral Home Donates $150.00 to The Ottawa Heart Institute
February is Heart Awareness Month and Hillcrest Funeral Home encourages you to lead a healthy lifestyle. We are pleased to be a part of the Vankleek Hill Heart Institute Bonspiel, which takes place February 11, 2017. Come cheer for your favorite team and support a heart worthy cause.
Act of Kindness # 5 Hillcrest Funeral Home Supplies Popcorn and Hot Chocolate
Brrrrrrrr It's cold outside.
That doesn't matter, a good time is always had at The Vankleek Hill Winter Carnival. Especially when Hillcrest Funeral Home is providing hot chocolate and popcorn
Act of Kindness # 6 Hillcrest Funeral Home Donates $250 to The Snowmobile Rally
Hillcrest Funeral Home donated $250 to the VKH Agricultural Society's Antique Snowmobile Rally & Community Breakfast. A great time was had by all!
Act of Kindness # 7 Hillcrest Funeral Home Installed an AED for Heart Month
We are pleased to announce that we have installed an AED unit here at Hillcrest Funeral Home in recognition of Heart Month. Our staff is fully trained, along side Mark, who is a Captain with over 25 years experience with the Vankleek Hill Fire Department.
Act of Kindness # 8 Hillcrest Funeral Home Donates $250 to the Make a Wish Foundation
Hillcrest Funeral Home was happy to support Derek's Pancake Day to help raise funds for the Make a Wish Foundation.
Act of Kindness # 11 Hillcrest Funeral Home Supports The Children's Time at the Vankleek Hill Library
It's story time! Hillcrest Funeral Home donated the snacks and craft for story time and we also donated Grief Books for the children's area of the library.
Act of Kindness # 13 Hillcrest Funeral Home gave the gift of health!
Hillcrest Funeral Home gave the gift of health, joy and dance by sponsoring a free class for Louise Stephenson's Zumba Gold Group at Zudio this week.
![]() Hillcrest Hillcrest Funeral Home is aiding the L’Orignal Food Bank in kick starting a new dental health initiative for families in the community. Dental care is often overlooked as something that is essential to healthy bodies and healthy living. By donating toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss for adults and children, Hillcrest is playing a huge part in dental health education for low-income families and helping the food bank to set up healthy habits for life! |
Act of Kindness # 16 Hillcrest Funeral Home surprised people with a free lunch.
Hillcrest Funeral Home surprised everyone who was having lunch at The Trillium Tea Room and treated them to a complimentary lunch. Yummy.
Act of Kindness # 17 Hillcrest Funeral Home's staff gave of their time to help flood victims
Hillcrest Funeral Home staff gave of their time to assist the community of L'Orignal during the flooding of their beautiful community.
We want to acknowledge the L'Orignal Volunteer Fire Department and all Volunteer Firefighters for their unwavering dedication, outstanding leadership & long hours given to all the communities effected by the flooding!
Act of Kindness # 18 Hillcrest Funeral Home donated a Frendship Bench to Pleasant Corners Public School
Hillcrest Funeral Home in support of the Anti- Bulling Walk organized by Dance 8 Studio who were fundraising for Friendship Benches to be installed in local schools.
Act of Kindness # 19 Hillcrest Funeral Home is honoured to support Shawn Seguin
Shawn hosted a run through the streets of Vankleek Hill on Sunday, May 21, 2017. Hillcrest supported Shawn by setting up a refreshment station and gave a donation to Shawn and Diabetes Canada. Hillcrest is proud to be able to play a small part in Shawn's journey to running a marathon in Iceland in hopes of raising awareness for Diabetes.
![]() We helped one very special young lady from VCI with a dream come true to go to prom. |
![]() Hillcrest Funeral Home is happy to host a dance party at the Heritage Lodge. We will also be serving pies and ice cream for dessert. Special thanks to DJ Louise for her help with this Act of Kindness. |
Act of Kindness # 23 Hillcrest Funeral Home is donating cupcakes to the grade 8 Graduation Celebration at St. Judes Catholic School.
Hillcrest wishes the grade 8 class of St. Jude's Catholic Elementary School much success as they head off on their high school adventure. We wish you all much success.
Act of Kindness # 24 Hillcrest Funeral Home Continues it's tradition by donating a Bursary to VCI
Vankleek Hill is all about it's volunteers. We feel that it important to encourage today's youth to be involved in the community where they live. Hillcrest Funeral Home donates a $ 250.00 Bursary to a deserving student at VCI who has demonstrated their community involvement.
![]() So many people have been touched by Cancer. We have watched Ashley Cowan battle this disease with determination and grace. We are so proud to be a part of her journey to raise funds to find a cure for Ovarian Cancer. Together with the Family of the late Joan McPhee of Sydenham, we have purchased an accessibility ramp for the Arbor Gallery Cultural Centre to make it accessible to all! |
Act of Kindness # 26 Hillcrest Funeral Home supports the LGBTQ community.
Hillcrest Funeral Home is very proud to be able to support the LGBTQ community pride picnic taking place in Hawkesbury.
Act of Kindness # 27 Hillcrest Funeral Home, Beautifies Mill Street ParkPark!
Hillcrest Funeral Home donated two shrubs that will help to attract birds for our Mill Street Park in Vankleek Hill. We thank The Vankleek Hill Horticultural Society for planting the shrubs and for all the beautification that they do in the park and throughout our community.
Act of Kindness # 28 Hillcrest Funeral Home supports the Food Jamboree
Hillcrest Funeral Home generously supports the Vankleek Hill Annual Food Jamboree benefiting the Vankleek Hill Food Bank.
Act of Kindness # 29 Camp Erin Grief camp for Children
Camp Erin is a free grief support camp for children ages 6 – 17 years old who have experienced the death of someone significant in their lives. This year’s camp will be taking place in the summer of 2017 at the Rideau Hill Camp in Osgoode, Ontario. Hillcrest Funeral Home will be sponsoring an interactive drumming session supplied by the drumming room.
![]() The Higginson clan will be hosting a family reunion. As many as 500 people are expected to attend the celebration which will mark the bicentennial of the Higginson family’s arrival in Canada. Hillcrest Funeral Home recognizes this milestone by supplying refreshments for the Higginson meet and greet evening! |
Act of Kindness # 31 Hillcrest Funeral Home Supports the Vankleek Hill Fair
Hillcrest Funeral Home loves the Demolition Derby and the Vankleek Hill Fair. This year it is Saturday August 19th and we will be giving out little surprises to the crowd during the derby. Come early to get a good seat.
Act of Kindness # 32 Hillcrest Funeral Home is helping the residence of The Derby street Apartments
Hillcrest Funeral Home is happy to support the VKH Derby Street Manor's Annual Corn Roast by supplying the Corn and some of the fixings.
![]() Back to School is a wonderful time of the year but for some families a it comes with extra financial stress. We are helping some children and their families by supplying them with cool back to school supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes and new runners. |
![]() Hillcrest Funeral Home happy to be part of Saint-Gregoire Catholic Elementary School welcoming day, by helping with the cost of an Air bounce for the kids to enjoy. |
Act of Kindness # 35 Hillcrest Funeral Home made $1000 donation to the Unforgettables Fund
The Unforgettables Fund believes that every child is entitled to a dignified funeral. By taking away a huge financial worry, the Unforgettables Fund aims to help families stay focused on what is important to them: spending time with their child at end-of-life.
![]() Hillcrest Funeral Home is going back in time to the year 1812. We are happy to give a $250 donation to support this wonderful event. WITNESS HISTORY Unfold before your eyes! of Dunvegan, where History 200 years in the making, comes to Life. Living History Re-enactors from across the province and the United States are pleased to once again return with their muskets, cannons and campfires to recreate the 1812-1814 conflict on the museum grounds. Check out the Fashion Show, take in an 1812 inspired church service, and tour the encampments of the British, Americans, Civilians, and Native Allies, all leading up to a pinnacle Battle that will be staged live daily. For something different, 1812 reproductions are available for sale to the public by our visiting Sutlers (merchants) |
Act of Kindness # 37 Hotdogs at The Firehouse
Sparky says check your Fire Alarms. Mark and Devin Henderson are proud volunteers for the Vankleek Hill Fire department. We are supporting the open house by donating the Hotdogs for all the visitors to enjoy.
Act of Kindness # 38 Hillcrest Funeral Home gave the gift of a Gas Gift Certificate
A family was traveling for months to Ottawa to care for a family member who has been in the Hospital. They have now been transferred to Hawkesbury and they are improving daily.
Act of Kindness # 39 Hillcrest Funeral Home helps decorate the Vankleek Hill Crling Club
Hillcrest Funeral Home has a great neighbour in the form of the Vankleek Hill Curling Club. This is a great partnership that has worked together for many years. They curling club just underwent a beautiful facelift and the funeral home purchased two window blinds to help compliment the renovation.
Act of Kindness # 40 Hillcrest Funeral Home donates to the local 4H Club. Hillcrest Funeral Home donated $250 to the Prescott County 4-H Association to help send 8 members to the Classic Junior Dairy Show at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. |
![]() As our Act of Kindness for this week we had so much fun surprising the customers at The Daily Dose by paying for their meals and drinks. |
![]() Hillcrest Funeral Home is supporting the VKH Christmas Home Tour and having some fun also by giving away Tickets to the Home Tour! |
Act of Kindness # 43 Hillcrest Funeral Home shows it's support to VKH Synchronized Skating
Hillcrest Funeral Home is happy to shows it's support to VKH On The Edge Adult II Synchronized Skating team to help with their fundraising efforts
![]() Hillcrest Funeral Home is happy to support a new restaurant in town and surprise a few customers at the same time. Drop into the pantry this week and lunch might be on us! Which day? It's a surprise. |
![]() Hillcrest Funeral Home loves going to the Seniors Gala in Vankleek Hill and this year we are making it extra special by giving Christmas Sweets to all the seniors to take home with them. |
![]() Join us during the parade of Lights on December 1, 2017 at the Parade of Lights. We will be serving hot Chocolate in front of The Review Newspaper on Main Street. We are also sponsoring the Christmas Lights Contest so get decorating. |
Act of Kindness # 47 Breakfast with Santa!
Hillcrest Funeral Home is Happy to be part of breakfast with Santa. It is held every year and gives children a wonderful experience for them and their families to spend some time with Santa.
Act of Kindness # 48 Hillcrest Funeral Home donates weaving Looms to local Schools.
Hillcrest Funeral Home supports the OPENSPACE project taking place in area schools by purchasing weaving looms to help kids find balance in their lives.
![]() Hillcrest funeral home spent a week delivering donuts, coffee, pizza and other surprises for first responders. |
![]() The first Act of Kindness we did was in memory of Phil Arber who was very involved in giving back to the community, we bought back backs, shoes and school supplies, we paid for an air bounces, we donated to cancer research, we surprised people all over town with free lunches, we served pies and ice cream, we gave the gift of music, helped send a young lady to prom planted flowers, gave out surprises at the Vankleek Hill Fair, and many, many more!! For our last “Act of Kindness” we asked the community to give us ideas of what they would do and they all said make someone's Christmas extra special! So…. that is what has brought our family to a special family in the community so in the spirit of kindness, sharing, and giving we helped them to have an extra special Christmas. We hope that you and your family will continue this tradition of giving back and one day you will help to make someone’s day special and in turn make them feel special. |